funny dice game - Vartgamedice Tue, 04 Mar 2025 05:47:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 funny dice game - Vartgamedice 32 32 Which Age Group Has the Most Funny Dice Game Players? Tue, 04 Mar 2025 05:47:27 +0000 When it comes to funny dice game, you might be surprised to learn that the joy of shaking a handful of plastic dice and watching them tumble across the table

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When it comes to funny dice game, you might be surprised to learn that the joy of shaking a handful of plastic dice and watching them tumble across the table is not limited to a particular demographic. These games have a unique ability to bridge generational gaps, attracting players from all ages. Each player brings their own flair and flavor to the game, often accompanied by hearty laughter, playful banter, and the occasional mild cursing when luck is not on their side.

Young People

Let’s look at young people first. These kids and teens seem to exude an infectious enthusiasm for anything involving chance. To them, rolling the dice represents exciting unpredictability. As the dice teeter on the edge of their seats, suspense builds as their fate is revealed. This gives people a profound sense of joy. Funny dice games like “Zombie Dice” or “Sushi Go!” invite these budding strategists to experiment with risk and reward, teaching them valuable lessons about decision-making in the process. With every roll of the dice, they not only hone their reasoning skills, but also develop social skills. Interact with peers in a joyful combination of competition and friendship.


They dive into liquid core dice games with a keen sense of complexity. Here, the appeal often lies in complexity. Funny dice Game like “Settlers of Catan” and “Dungeons & Dragons” offer an alluring blend of strategy, role-playing, and community. This age group loves the opportunity to collaborate and compete. Constructing their stories as they venture through imaginative landscapes. Here, the click of the dice becomes the background music for late-night brainstorming sessions. Each roll of the dice can ensure victory or foreshadow epic defeat.

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Funny Dice Games For Family The Second Bullet Tue, 11 Feb 2025 07:30:28 +0000 Last issue introduced some funny dice games, this issue continues with interesting list games. 1.Beetle Grab your lucky dice and master your drawing skills! This creative and simple game requires

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Last issue introduced some funny dice games, this issue continues with interesting list games.


Grab your lucky dice and master your drawing skills! This creative and simple game requires players to draw beetle parts according to the number they rolled. The first player with a completely complete insect wins!


A random player starts the game by rolling the die. Then, using the following reference, the player will draw the body part associated with the number they rolled. The next player will then roll the dice and draw their own body.
When drawing a beetle, you are bound to encounter some challenges. The body must be drawn before any other parts. After all, a beetle without a body can’t have legs or a tail! In addition, the head must be drawn before the eyes and antennae are added. Rolling 1 and 2 is essential to completing the drawing. If you roll a number associated with a body part that cannot be drawn, the turn is skipped and the next player rolls. The first player with a sketched beetle is the winner!


If you are a funny dice games player who appreciates risk, then Farkle may be a great choice for you! This challenging and easy to learn dice game has many different variations, but these rules are the most commonly used.


One player starts the game by rolling all six dice. The goal is to score the most points by rolling different liquid core dice combinations. The following is the scoring system commonly used for this game.
If a combination is rolled, the player keeps the value of the dice and may roll the remaining dice for gamble. If another combination is rolled, the player can add the points to the total of the previous roll. However, if no combination is rolled, it is a fark slam and the players forfeit any points they collected in that round. The dice then move clockwise to the next player. Don’t forget to record any bonus points on the score sheet!
Once a player reaches 10,000 points, the other players will get another one to get a higher score. Whoever has more than 10,000 points at the end of the game wins!

3.Going to Boston

Going to Boston, also known as “Going to Town,” is another simple and exciting funny dice game in which the player who wins the most rounds wins.

How to Play

The goal of Go Boston is to win the round by rolling the highest total dice. First, mutually agree on how many rounds you want to play, then choose a random player to roll all three dice. The highest roll will remain. The player will then roll the remaining two dice, and again the highest number will remain. Roll the final die, and add that number to your total score. These steps will be repeated by each player around the table. Once everyone has rolled, the player with the highest score wins the game. Continue this process until the final round is over, and the points are added up. The player with the most will win!

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Funny Dice Games For Family The First Bullet Tue, 11 Feb 2025 07:23:29 +0000 Whether you’re ready to play funny dice games from this list or add some flair to your board games, these versatile dice sets are always ready to roll! 1.Bunco In

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Whether you’re ready to play funny dice games from this list or add some flair to your board games, these versatile dice sets are always ready to roll!


In this team-based dice game, players score points by rolling a specific number on the liquid core dice, depending on their round. The player who collects the most points at the end of the game wins the bunco!

How to Play

Set up your table Have four players sit down and decide which will serve as the head table. The other tables will be numbered. Each table will be divided into two teams that sit next to each other. The object of the game is to win the round by scoring more points than the opposing team
by rolling the same number that corresponds to the round you are in. This will continue until the end of the 6th round. If you roll more than one number that corresponds to the round, more points are awarded. If you roll a two of a kind, you get two points. And If you roll three of a kind with the number of rounds you are in, it’s a bunco and you get 21 points. If you roll a three of a kind number that is not the number for the current round, you get 5 points.


Zanzibar is a simple funny dice games that thrives in French bars. Today, it is played all over the world and is suitable for any number of players. Be the first to get rid of all the tokens, and then win!


After each player grabs 20 chips for themselves, the game begins. The goal is to get rid of all the chips at the expense of the other players. Once you set, the first player can roll the dice up to three times to get the highest score possible with specific combinations. If you don’t roll these combinations, don’t worry. You can also earn points by adding the total of the three dice together. For example, if you roll 1,4,5, you will get 109 points. If you roll 3,2,2, you will get 7 points.
Once the first player’s turn is over and they calculate the score, the dice moves counterclockwise to the next player, who will try to get a higher score within the same number or a lower roll than the first player. Once everyone has their turn, the player with the lowest score must receive the chips from everyone else. How many they get will depend on the hand of the player with the highest score.
Whichever player wins that round, the next round will begin. This will continue until one player has no chips left, which will deem them the winner.


The number seven is widely considered a lucky number, but in this funny dice games, you want to avoid it at all costs! Will you risk raking in more points?


Agree on how many rounds you will play and who will start the round. The first player will then roll all six dice and remove combinations that add up to seven numbers. The goal is to score the highest total by adding the numbers shown on the remaining dice.
The first player may choose to roll three times during their round. Once they have removed all dice up to seven (this can include one or more sets), the dice are set aside and not used again for a turn. The numbers on the remaining dice are added to calculate the score. If a player is not happy with their score, they may roll again. However, any combination of dice must remove seven. They may then choose to accept their score or risk rolling again to increase their points. Keep in mind that the player following may only be able to make the first round. For example, if the first player only rolls twice, all other players may not roll more than two times.
Once they are all done, the game is over and the player with the highest score is the winner!

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Some Best Dice Games The Second Bullet Wed, 22 Jan 2025 04:03:20 +0000 Last time we brought you the best dice games for all ages and occasions. This time we continue with some fun dice games. 1.Candy or Dice Now I know your

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Last time we brought you the best dice games for all ages and occasions. This time we continue with some fun dice games.

1.Candy or Dice

Now I know your kids will love this game because you use candy as chips! Each player gets a cup, three dice, and twelve pieces of candy. The goal is to get the sum of your three dice to eighteen (or as close as you can get!). Everyone rolls under their cup at the same time and secretly looks at their dice. Just like playing cards, you can draw or show your cards, and the winner gets a piece of the loser’s candy!

2.Head Full of Numbers

This educational board game is great at helping kids learn important math skills. The liquid core dice have numbers one through nine, and the rules require players to add, subtract, multiply, and divide to win! Great for social skills and making math fun!

3.Stuck in the Mud

A game where you hope to get lucky. This game uses four board game dice, and the goal is not to roll five dice. Every number you roll that is not a 5 is added up, and the dice that land on a 5 are set aside. Your turn ends when all four of your dice land on a five. Count the scores for the other numbers and pass the dice to the next player. The first person to reach fifty wins.

4.Roll for Candy

Another best dice game with a candy theme! Each player starts with five pieces of candy and there is a big pile of candy on the table. Each number on the dice corresponds to an action. For example, if you roll a one, you get to pick a candy from the pile in the middle of the table.

5.Dice Bowling

This game has a competitive element that will make your child dizzy with excitement. Use some of the concepts and vocabulary from bowling, such as strike, gutter ball, scratch, and spare. Different rolls mean different things, but the goal is to get as close to ten as possible each time you roll three dice. The winner is the player who gets closest to a hundred in ten rounds.

6.Speed ​​50!

This complex dice game is for competitive players who enjoy a lively dice game together. You need a pen, and the goal of the game is to roll a six. Start with the first person and play until someone rolls a six. At this point, this person picks up the pen and starts writing numbers on a piece of paper, starting with 1…2…3…4… while the other players scramble to try to roll a 6. While the others are doing this, the first person must drop the pen and a new player starts writing numbers. The first player to write fifty wins!

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Some Best Dice Games The First Bullet Wed, 22 Jan 2025 03:38:31 +0000 Playing dice games is a lot of fun, where your fate determined by the luck of the board game dice roll! Check out a large selection of dice games for

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The post Some Best Dice Games The First Bullet appeared first on Vartgamedice.

Playing dice games is a lot of fun, where your fate determined by the luck of the board game dice roll! Check out a large selection of dice games for all ages and occasions. These best dice games all use dice to control luck and have fun!

1.Dice Golf

If you can’t make it to the PGA, we have a second best option. Try the dice version of the best dice games! All you need is three dice and a score sheet.

How to play

Each player takes turns rolling three dice until a double rolled. Each roll that does not show a double counts as a stroke. Any roll that contains a double counts as a hole. The number of strokes required to enter a hole calculated and written on each player’s score sheet. Eighteen rounds played. Each round represents one of the 18 holes on the golf course. The player with the lowest total number of rolls at the end of the game wins.


Fifty is a simple, fast best dice game. Play with two dnd dragon eye dice and a score sheet required.

How to play

Each player takes turns rolling the dice, scoring when a double rolled. Double 6’s are worth 25 points. Double 3’s cancel out a player’s score and they go back to zero. Doubles other than 3’s or 6’s are worth 5 points. The scores are recorded and the player who reaches 50 points first wins.


Grand Slam is played with three dice and the goal is to lose rather than win. You want to get 15 points first and exit the game as quickly as possible. In game jargon, this is done by rolling the eponymous Grand Slam.

How to Play

The first player rolls the dice to determine the Grand Slam. The Grand Slam is the number everyone will try to roll. Each player takes turns rolling all three dice and continues to roll as long as they get at least one Grand Slam. For each Grand Slam, the player scores one point. If the roll does not include a Slam, the player’s turn ends. A Small Slam is when both dice show a Grand Slam. A Small Slam is worth 5 points. Players must get exactly 15 points to exit the game. This means that if a player already has 14 points and rolls a small slam, their roll is void and the round ends. A grand slam occurs when all three dice show a grand slam. This instantly gives the player 15 points. No matter how many points they had before. The last remaining player in the game loses.

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Best Dice Game The Second Bullet Wed, 22 Jan 2025 03:31:58 +0000 Last time we brought you some of the best dice game for adults, and this time we’re continuing with some fun dice games. 1.Ten Pins Take out your wrist guards

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Last time we brought you some of the best dice game for adults, and this time we’re continuing with some fun dice games.

1.Ten Pins

Take out your wrist guards and bowling shirts, because we’re playing a game called “Ten Pins.” You can play “Ten Pins” (the dice game version of Ten Pin Bowling) alone or with others. All you need is a pair of dice and a score sheet.

How to Play

The game played in ten rounds, or “frames.” Up to three rounds of dice can thrown per frame. Players can leave one or two dead ends at the end of any throw. Each player’s frame score is the total number of points shown on the dice after their last throw. If a 6 thrown, it called an “off-lane,” and no points awarded for that throw. Throwing two 5s on the first throw called a “strike.” A throw scores 10 points, plus the total number of dice from the previous throw. Throwing two 5s after the first throw is a “spare.” The spare scores 10 points, plus the total score from the first throw of the next frame. After 10 rounds, add up each player’s score and the player with the highest score wins. If you’re playing alone, your goal is to beat your best ten-pin score.


Aces is also an interesting Best dice game. Aces played with 5 dice per player and players bet on the game. Each player starts the game with five dice and the dice they lose is related to the number they throw.

How to Play

The order of play in Aces determined by each player throwing 5 metal dice, the first to throw the highest, the second to throw the second highest, and so on. Each player takes turns throwing the dice. Any 1 thrown put into the center of the table and eliminated from the game. Or any 2 thrown passed to the player to its left. Any 5 passed to the player to its right. Players throw the remaining dice in turn until they fail to throw 1, 2, or 5 or lose all dice. The game continues on the table until the last dice becomes 1. The winner is the player who threw the last 1.

3. Battleship, Captain, Mate, and Crew

Who needs a battleship when you have a battleship, captain, mate, and crew? Battleship, Captain, Mate, and Crew uses five dice and usually played for bets, but you can also play it for drinks.

How to Play

Each player takes a turn rolling the dice. Each player rolls the dice three times and tries to roll a 6 (ship), 5 (captain), and 4 (mate). The ship, captain, and mate must rolled in order. If the first roll includes a 6 and a 4, but no 5, only the 6 kept. The remaining dice rolled again, including the 4. If a player fails to roll a 6, 5, or 4 after 3 rolls, they do not score. Or If after three rolls, the player sets aside the ship, captain, and mate, the remaining two dice (crew) totaled to the player’s score. If all three dice in the sequence (6, 5, and 4) rolled in a player’s three rolls, the remaining two dice (crews) rolled for the remainder of the player’s turn. These rolls add to the player’s final score. The winner of the game is the player with the highest crew total. If there is no winner, all players must replay the round.

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Best Dice Game The First Bullet Wed, 22 Jan 2025 03:21:45 +0000 You don’t need someone else to roll the dice for you. Create your own luck by mastering these wonderful best dice game for adults. These 10 dice games range from

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You don’t need someone else to roll the dice for you. Create your own luck by mastering these wonderful best dice game for adults. These 10 dice games range from scoring to gambling involving stakes. You can approach scoring games the way card games do and play on your own, or add some competition to the gambling dice games. Whichever you choose, be sure to flick your wrists because it’s time to start tossing.

1.Nix the Six

This is a fast-paced dice game where you get the highest score by rolling the fewest 6s.

How to Play

The first player places all six dice into the rolling cup, shakes them, and rolls them into the dice tray or lid. If there are no 6s, add up the numbers on all six dice. This is the player’s score for the first round. If any 6s rolled, the player sets them aside, rolls the remaining dice, and continues playing until no 6s rolled. This is the player’s score for that round. If the player has only one dice left and rolls a 6, the score for that round is zero. The maximum score for each round is 30 (all 5s). Write the score on the whiteboard below the player’s name. Pass the dice until everyone has taken a turn and completed the first round. Play six rounds and add up everyone’s total score at the end of the sixth round. The individual with the highest total score is the winner.

2.Sevens Out

Sevens Out may not be Heads Up Sevens Up, but it’s just as fun. It’s a simple game of luck. It’s just as good as a best dice game. All it takes is two dice and a score sheet.

How to Play

Players decide the winning score. This could be 500 or 1,000. Each player takes a turn rolling the dice. Each player rolls the metal dice and continues rolling until they roll a 7. Their score is the sum of all the numbers before the 7. Players announce their score after each roll, and once a 7 rolled, their score recorded on the score sheet. Doubles double the score. For example, if a player rolls two 4s for a total of 8, their score is 16. The first player to reach the predetermined total is the winner.

3.Poker Dice

If you’re tired of regular poker games, you can change things up by playing dice poker. Poker dice usually played for stakes, but you can also play it just for fun. Each player needs a standard set of dice, and the goal is to create the best possible poker hand in three throws.

How to play

After each throw, players can set aside any dice they want to keep and throw again until they have thrown a total of three times in the round. Just like playing poker, hands ranked from highest to lowest. After everyone has played, the highest-ranked hand wins.

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Some Funny Dice Game For Party and Adventure Second bullet Sun, 29 Dec 2024 08:33:53 +0000 Dice games are a great way to bring excitement and fun to any gathering. These games are perfect for creating memorable moments at parties, game nights, or just hanging out

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Dice games are a great way to bring excitement and fun to any gathering. These games are perfect for creating memorable moments at parties, game nights, or just hanging out with friends. Here are some funny dice game to play, complete with step-by-step instructions on how to play.

1. Catan Dice Game

A dice version of the popular board game Catan, in which players roll dice to collect resources and build settlements.

(1) What you need

1-4 players, six specialized Catan dice, a Catan Dice Game score sheet

(2) How to play

Players take turns rolling six dice up to three times to collect resources such as bricks, wood, and ore. Players use these resources to build roads, settlements, cities, and knights, marking their progress on a score sheet. The game consists of 15 rounds, with the goal of players accumulating the most victory points at the end.

2. Farkle

Farkle is a fun and competitive funny dice game. Players roll dice to score points. If they get too greedy, they risk losing all their points.

(1) What you need

2 or more players, six dnd dice, a Farkle scorecard, and a pen

(2) How to play

Players take turns rolling all six dice. Scoring combinations include 1, 5, 3 of a kind, and other specific combinations. After each roll, players must keep at least one scoring dice, but can choose to keep more or roll the remaining dice. Players can continue to roll the dice to accumulate more points, but if they roll the dice and no scoring combination appears, they “Farkle” and lose all points for that round. The first player to reach a predetermined score (usually 10,000 points) wins.

3.Ship, Captain, Crew

A simple game where players roll dice to assemble a ship, captain, and crew, and then try to win the highest score.

(1) What you need

2 or more players, five dice, a dice rolling cup (optional).

(2) Gameplay

Players take turns rolling five dice to “build” a ship (6), a captain (5), and a crew member (4) in order. After assembling the ship, captain, and crew, players roll the remaining dice to determine their score. The player with the highest score at the end of the round wins.

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Some Funny Dice Game For Party and Adventure First bullet Sun, 29 Dec 2024 08:27:49 +0000 Dice games are a great way to bring excitement and fun to any gathering. These games are perfect for creating memorable moments at parties, game nights, or just hanging out

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Dice games are a great way to bring excitement and fun to any gathering. These games are perfect for creating memorable moments at parties, game nights, or just hanging out with friends. Here are some funny dice game with step-by-step instructions on how to play.

1. Liar’s Dice

Liar’s Dice is a bluffing game where players must deceive their opponents and make false claims.

(1) What you need

2-6 players, 5 dice per player, and a cup per player to hide their dice.

(2) How to play

Each player secretly rolls their five dice and hides them under a cup. Players take turns asking how many dice of a certain value are under all the cups (e.g., “There are three 4s”). The next player can raise their bid or challenge the previous player’s claim. If challenged, all players show their dice. If the claim is valid, the challenger loses one dice. And if false, the claimer loses one dice. The game continues until only one player (the winner) has his or her dice left.

2. Yahtzee

Yahtzee is a funny dice game that combines luck and strategy. The goal is to get the most points by rolling specific combinations of five dice.

(1) What you need

2 or more players, five metal dice, a Yahtzee scorecard, and a pen,

(2) How to play

Each player takes a turn rolling five dice, aiming to achieve specific combinations such as three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, small straight, big straight, Yahtzee (five of a kind), and chance. Players can roll the dice up to 3 times during their turn, keeping any dice they want to keep after each roll. After the third roll, players must choose a scoring category to record their score. The game continues until all players have filled in all of their categories. The player with the highest total score wins.

3. Bunco

Bunco is a fast-paced social dice game that is all about luck. It is best played with a large group of people.

(1) What you need

12 players (ideal) in teams of 4, three dice per table, a Bunco scoring table and a bell

(2) How to play

Players are divided into teams and each table has three dice. The goal is to roll as many specific numbers (whole numbers) as possible. For example, in the first round, you want to roll as many 1s as possible. Players take turns rolling the dice, and each correct number rolled is worth 1 point. Rolling all three dice to match the number of rounds is called a “Bunco”, and the player scores 21 points. The game has six rounds, and the team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

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