Some Dice Board Games The Second Bullet

green resin dnd dice dice board games

Last issue introduced some dice board games, this issue continues to bring interesting dice games.

1. Yahtzee

Yahtzee is a classic dice game that uniquely combines luck with strategy. Every game is an exciting challenge. The classic dice game comes with 5 dice and a dice shaker. Take out your 5 dice, roll the dice 3 times, and then fill in your scorecard to find out the winner with the highest roll number.


Distribute the scorecards to each player. Have each player roll all 5 dice to determine who goes first. Whoever has the highest total goes first. When it is your turn, you can roll up to three times by leaving the dice you like and rolling the dice you don’t like again. When your turn is over, you must go to the scorecard and score your turn in one of 13 categories. If you rolled a lot of ones, you will want to use your tun to fill the “ones” position, and so on. Once all the scorecards are filled, everyone will calculate their own score. Whoever scores the highest wins!

2.Liar’s Dice

The game comes with high-quality components: a sturdy dice cup, dice, and rubber mat.

How to Play

When the game starts, all players take turns rolling the board game dice under the cup to keep it hidden. Everyone can look at their own dice, but not at each other’s. If any dice overlap, the players must reroll. Once all players have rolled, the starting player makes a bid. The bid consists of the dice value and the number. For example, “two 5s” or “three 1s.” The next player can raise the bid or challenge the previous player’s bid. When players are challenged, everyone shows their dice. If the dice shows the bid or higher, the bidder wins. If the dice is lower than the bid, the challenger wins. When you lose, you take one dice from the pile. The game continues until only one player has a dice left.

3.Left, Center, Right

left center Right is a fun, fast-paced dice board games that you can’t put down! The game includes three LCR special marking cubes, 24 chips and instructions in a special can.


Each player is given a set of chips. How many really depends on how long you want to play the game. For a short game, players should be given at least three chips, but more chips can be given if you want to extend the game for a while.
The dice used in “Left, Right, Center” are marked with “L”, “R”, and “C”. The remaining faces of the dice have a single spot, which results in the player taking no action. The next roll of the dice will determine the player’s specific action.

L (Left): The player must pass the chip to the player on his left.
R (Right): The player must pass the chip to the player on his right.
C (Center): The chip is placed in the center pot, which means that no other player benefits from that specific chip.
The player with the most chips at the end of the game is declared the winner.

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